

JTC Consulting


JTC Consulting was founded in 2007 with the aim of providing a range of highly specialized services capable of generating added value, involving professionals with valuable experience and academics from the best universities of Europe.

Skill, talent and a natural attitude in listening to the customer's needs are the key elements for building a partnership that can achieve excellent results.

The operational areas are:
Company reorganization, Performances improvement, Investments, Start-up, Internationalization

For each area and for each project, JTC teams up professionals with a specific experience who effectively achieve targets. Each operation is handled through a rigorously tested method, adapted to the specific project, taking into account the characteristics of the context and company involved.

Brochures :

Operational areas

Every man born Aristotelian or Platonic, that it to say rational or irrational: opinions and interpretations difficulty would attract interest form the firsts, facts and demonstrations would never persuade the seconds.

2 Luglio 1830, S.T. Coleridge